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Replies to ....Unicorn World


You know, of course, that unicorns only respond to virgins?  Unicorns are said to be drawn by the presence of a virtuous maiden, and let their guard down only in her presence." 

Unicorns, fairies, mermaids, dolls and the like are perfect interests for a child like sissy annie. Love the prissy sissy unicorn panties!

Many girls fantasize about horses, dolphins and unicorns. One theory about why is that it helps them express their power. Others say the animals — real and mythical — symbolize dreaming and achieving. Still for many, it's a way to run away with their imaginations.

I have met unicorns for real! I guess what you are telling me is that I never has sex with a girl. That proves that I am a virgin.

Annie it looks like you had a wonderful time Love the pictures as well. You are a very beautiful sissy little girl. Sissy annie is so blessed to have so many lovely and childish dresses! Those panties are just the cutest! I can see why she wants to show them off.   

 How incredibly childish! That dress is perfect for a 3 to 6 year old little darling! The panties are adorable. No wonder you wanted to show them off! Sissy, your dress is perfect for a 4 or 5 year old little girl! I'm certain all the little girls there your age were so jealous! Did you have a nice chat with the mermaid??

Thank you! It was so much fun because there were so many little girls there in their pretty dresses!

A lovely and juvenile outing for sissy! I expect the cute mermaid enjoyed sissy telling her all about her sissyness! I love sissy's prissy panties that match her dress! No wonder that she wants to show them off!

The mermaid had many questions for me. She said she had never met a sissy before. So she asked me lots of questions about the things I like, what I like to do and more. She loves that I gave her a deep curtsy and my personal card.

Love - sissy princess annie

Replies to .... I am a pretty little girl sissy who obeys my mommy


I love what an obedient and lovely sissy you are. So well trained to please your mommy and all the women who care for you. An adorable little sissy wanker .

I've never come across such an obedient sissy who will self-humiliate as told! How weak and pathetic.More than anything sissy is an obedient little sissy wanker. She loves eating her yummy sissy cream too!

sissy's regular wanking and deep humiliation had made her the meekest, docile and unquestioning little wanker! She loves to please.

I am an obedient little sissy wanker! I love telling people that and showing them my pretty prissy panties! (with mommy's permission). My sissy cream is so delicious! I want more!!

Sissy needs to be taken even deeper! She is overwhelmingly childish, juvenile and utterly submissive! I adore feminizing little sissies. Sissy is so adorable in her pretty childish dresses! And loving it all! The self-humiliation is incredible. Love that the wanking is regulated and monitored! The juvenile dresses are stunning!

Annie, this is humiliating times 100. And there you are even begging for more. How weak and deep can one sissy go??

I have been told, by Ms Dani, that I can go weaker and deeper! Humiliation does that to me.  I love to please mommy and everyone I meet by showing them what a childish little sissy wanker I am.

The references to annie's sissy cream are just adorable and humiliating. Sounds like she has learned to love the special sissy treat. More than anything sissy in an obedient little sissy wanker. She loves eating her yummy sissy cream too!

Amy loves the pretty pics of sissy annie. She likes that baby rattle and wants to see more pics of sissy in her baby dresses!   

My sissy cream tastes like sticky and sweet vanilla ice cream! I told Mommy and Mistress Amelia and Ms Hayes that I want more!  Please show Amy this baby pictire. I love the new Disney Princess baby dress!

Love - sissy princess annie

StellaLuna puppet show


Last Sunday Mommy and I went with Ms Molly and little Amy to see the StellaLuna puppet show. I also took Kit Kitteredge, my new American Girl doll with me.

Knocked from her mother’s safe embrace by an attacking owl, Stellaluna lands headfirst in a bird’s nest. This adorable baby fruit bat’s world is literally turned upside down when she is adopted by the occupants of the nest and adapts to their peculiar bird habits

"How can we be so different and feel so much alike?" mused Flitter.

"And how can we feel so different and be so much alike?" wondered pip?

"I think this is quite a mystery" Flap chirped

"I agree." said Stellaluna, "But were friends. And that's a fact.

Mommy said the story is about friendships and how we can be so different yet feel so much the same!

Watch the StellaLuna book being read!

I love my "Cute Animal" Dress! I love that everyone tells me I am a pretty girl!

Love - sissy princess annie

paper (magnetic) dolls for pre-schoolers

Mistress Shari gave me a present of paper dolls. But these are magnetic. Paper dolls get ruined so easily but these are hard plastic and wil...