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Mistress and Sissy: A Dialogue, episode 10

Dani asked:
Have you ever so completely feminized and dominated a male as to make him a permanent sissy?

Mistress Amelia responds:

Yes, I have. But first I must define “Sissy” and “permanent sissy”. Sissy is derogatory name for someone, specifically a male, who seems weak or cowardly and acts and dresses in a stereotypically feminine way. A male who does not demonstrate masculine traits. One who is interested in things traditionally associated with girls and women.

Within gay, particularly gay male culture, is found the concept of the “sissy”, though it isn’t exclusive to the community. The word is most often used as a particularly hurtful synonym for an effeminate male, and its application in this particular context is meant to produce shame and derision. Sometimes it refers to a man who exhibits a particularly stereotypical notion of effete homosexuality.

In a transgender context, however, it most often refers to a biological male who willingly mimics and eagerly takes on hyper-feminine attitudes for the sake of sexual gratification. This is a behavior known as feminization and often contains an aspect of cross-dressing. The trans umbrella is the broadest one of all since gender is often one of the most poorly defined aspects of human expression.

There is a sharp definition between those who practice transvestic fetishism or cross-dressing, and those who identify strongly with the opposite gender in ways that go well beyond a sex act. The two are often related, though, particularly when one contemplates that feelings of humiliation linked to a reversal of traditional gender roles are present. It is worth considering how easily trauma can be incorporated into sexual desire and the act itself, even taking on a paradoxically pleasurable quality.

The two males that I feminized and sissified were already sissies but only part time. They tried to hide their sissy natures but not very successfully. What they had in common are being deeply submissive and craving to be out for who they really were (are). My denial of release only made them crave deeper sissification and my approval. They both currently live an ultra girly lifestyle.

Question for Ms Dani:
Do you believe there is truly a concept of “Forced Femme?” I think it is a misnomer. From my experience most males are terrified by it, but nevertheless, crave it! Their male sexuality only makes them more susceptible to feminization.

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