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What is a "little" and "little space"?

(This explanation is from my doctor and therapist, Dr Dotson)

A little is someone who likes to act younger than they really are.  It's kind of having an alter ego that's much younger than yourself. Most littles don't act little 24X7 but when they do they slip into their younger personna. It's called slipping into head space.

When a little is in head space that is when they are at their most submissive and most vulnerable. They are most prone to emotional outbursts like throwing a tantrum or getting excited about something. They are also the neediest in this state as they are not thinking like a grown up, but as a child and need a bit more guidance and reassurance. Some littles are shyer in headspace while others maybe more outgoing. Every little is different and has her own special headspace.

The age range for a little is very broad and can range from new born baby, to toddler and young child. One to eight is mostly the agreed range. It could be a fixed age like 3 or a range like 2-6.

Littles tend to enjoy more childish, babyish like items like pacifiers, sippy cups/bottles, stuffed animals, dollies, picture books, toys, games, younger looking clothing, diapers, etc.

Little space is a mindset in which a person relaxes in a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety.
It may be a designated time when a person relieves childhood memories, scenarios or desires that were unachievable when younger.

Annie at the toy store with her cute bunny!

Annie has always been a "little". That is her true personna.  Over time she has significantly regressed to a little girl of about 4 or 5 years old. An adolescent emotionally and intellectually.

Annie has an agreeable little space personality!

When it comes to your little side, you want everyone to be happy.

Whether it's listening to a friend who needs to vent, finding the perfect activity for your next outing, or making a get well soon gift, you have a soft, kind heart.

While you may be little, you're still pretty good at making other people feel at ease.

At the end of the day, you want a little space activity that allows you to fulfill your emotional needs. That's where your pretty "little darlings" come in. Your playroom is your safe space.

Your interests vary widely, but you still may have some baby-tendencies (you are little, after all!).

"Your mommy showed me your five affirmation links on your blog. I am very impressed. Your dedication to your goals and lifestyle as a 5 year old little girl sissy is remarkable. You are so deliciously childish and juvenile with your dollies being at the center of your life.  You are a true princess dressed in your pretty dresses, Your smile is your best feature. You look so happy. Your fashion poses are that of a  precious little girl. You know that most women fall under your spell and want to nurture you." - Mistress Delores!

Sissy Princess Annie

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