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Coloring and writing project for Miss Shari

I have a project for you, sissy annie. Please take a regular white paper and hold it lengthwise on the table. Draw a rectangle. Now you have a border. Color it and make the border very pretty. On the inside write the following sentence: "Sissy Annie is Miss Shari's sissy dolly and wanker"  That must fit length wise. It must be very neat and clear and straight. Repeat until you reach the bottom border. In the middle of the page paste a pretty pic of my dolly, sissy annie, in the same rectangle shape. Then scan the paper and post it to your blog.

I hope you like it Miss Shari. The pic of me was taken at the bookstore when I was there for children's story time

Sissy Annie is Miss Shari's sissy dolly and wanker

What type of fragrances are the right choice for a sissy?

Of course, Floral and sugary sweet scents are the best choices for your sissy! Sissy Annie's favorites are PINK SUGAR and PINK FLOWER.They reinforce her girly sweetness! They are guaranteed to FEMINIZE and SISSIFY with daily use. Sissy Annie has been taught to refresh her fragrance every hour.

Sissy Annie is wearing her BBT SISSY CLOSET "Sissy Princess French Dress".

"I love being a sweetly perfumed little dolly" - Sissy Princess Annie

A trip to the gardens for sissy to be seen and humiliated! There she is practicing her deep curtsy and reciting her sissy poems! She loves posing for pictures and giving out her personal card!

Mistress Amelia

paper (magnetic) dolls for pre-schoolers

Mistress Shari gave me a present of paper dolls. But these are magnetic. Paper dolls get ruined so easily but these are hard plastic and wil...