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Children's Story Time

One of the things I love the most is that we (mommy, me and Amy and her mommy) go once or twice a month to Children's Story Time at the local bookstore. There are usually about 25 children plus parents in attendance. Miss Brown is the teacher but sometimes she has a substitute. I copied this from the pages we received from the first story time.

"Story time is so much more than stories. A modern story time includes things like songs, fingerplays, dances, full body movement, games, and more. Children love repetition, and it helps them to learn. Try starting your storytimes with the same song, rhyme, or activity."

I have lots of children's book at home because Miss Anna Elizabeth sent me a subscription to the Literati book club, I was in the Preschool club for ages 4-8. Every couple of months I got a box of books in the mail. I have a wonderful collection of children's books that Mommy can read to me and I can read to my dollies. I need to write about them in my blog.

The last thing I should say is that Mommy took me to see Miss Brown before I started going to the story times. She told Miss Brown all about me being a sissy. She was fine with me attending and explained all the rules. She likes that I get dressed up for the storybook times.  Amy usually holds my hand when we go and finds a place for us to sit. I have made some nice girlfriends there.


(Pansy Petal - Fairy Flower-Little Girl Sissy

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