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Pansy Photo #4 - Prissy Pansy

Lately I have been relating to sissy annie as a prissy pansy rather than just a sissy! "Sissy" is just too generic and has lost it's hard edge meaning and correlation. I love when someone calls her a pansy, or even better, a prissy pansy.

Pansy Photo #1

Pansy Photo #2

Pansy Photo #3

Prissy means "Prim and Proper".  A dainty girl. Very much lady like.

A "Pandy Core" Someone who is ridiculously scared of something, particularly a guy who acts like a little girl when frightened also known as a hardcore pansy.

There are just times when one sees a certain photo and you label it as "PANSY".  It's obvious! "PANSY" is a term used to mean a male regarded as gay, effeminate ,or simply a weakling. As an adjective,it applies to things,such as clothes (skirts,dresses, etc),associated with such a person.

The insult "pansy" actually comes from the French "pensée", which is the past tense of "to think", but is also a feminine reflexive. This term came about in the mid-fifteenth century, and essentially, it was used pejoratively to describe a man who thinks too much (like a woman is the intimation). Thinking men were not brawny, active, robust men, therefore they were thought to be slightly effeminate. It wasn't until 1929 that the term "pansy" came to mean sissy boi.

When annie twins/matches her dress with her dolly It sends a very definite message of being extremely childish, innocent, vulnerable and helpless! Requiring adults to care for her in mist every way. It can also be an infantile and babyish look! The pink bows on this dress also reinforce what a "pansy" she is. Pretty bows and ribbons also add to the Pansy core image. See her cute pink hair bow.

Mistress Emily

Sissy Claire and her new AG doll, Aurora!

Mistress Emily;  When you first suggested to me that I should get a doll from American Girl I was very hesitant. I was not sure it was something I needed or wanted.  After I thought about it, and saw how happy  Sissy Pansy Annie was with hers I  decided I too wanted to be that happy. 

I went to  and ordered a doll for myself.  I looked at all the dolls they had but I  could not find one that spoke to me. I ordered a doll that was personalized for me. Once I ordered her I was still not sure she was for me to be honest.  

Last Saturday she arrived. As soon as I opened the box I knew that she was the perfect doll for me.  Just the way she looked and how pretty she was said we were going to be great friends.  She spoke to me.

As I looked at her  I thought what name does she deserve?  One name that came to me was  Regan from  King Lear. But  Regan was the middle child of Lear and wanted power. She just did not look like that to me.  Then the name  Aurora came to mind.  I  have always loved that sweet name since I first heard it as a little sissy girl or child.  As I looked at her, I could see in her eyes, that she ss an Aurora. So sweet and innocent So when I  called her by name she smiled in happiness to me.

The following day I  received several doll outfits from both  Mistress Emily and Sissy Pansy Annie, I was so excited to get them.  So cute and encouraging to be able to change my doll's outfits. I knew she would like them.

I can not thank Mistress Emily and Sissy Pansy Annie for giving  me a present of lovely doll clothes, I love them both so much.  I can not wait to be with Sissy Pansy Annie to meet Aurora in person and see the very cute outfits I now have for her. 

Dear Sissy Claire: 
Your email to me was so heart felt. Even though you are a sissy tween girl (age 12) there is just something so special about having your own special dolly to dress, care for and love. Sissy pansy annie loves playing dollies either by herself or with girlfriends. As a 4 year old little girl her dollies are her best friends.

You are a very pretty little girl! Be a good girl and obey me always, 
(BTW - your dolly is "She". Never "It". Adults think little girl's dolls are not real. But little girls know better! See how much love Aurora gives you)

Also, for babies "dolls" are called "dolly" and "dollies". That's how sissy pansy annie calls her little darlings. You are a tween girl and should use "doll" and "dolls"

- Mistress Emily

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