Yesterday mommy took me to see WISH the new Disney Movie.
A love letter to classic Disney animation , this offers a sweet balance of traditional themes and child-like hope. Disney's Wish is an enjoyable, festive celebration of Disney magic and history. It's a cute film with good songs, music, and a lovely, unique visual aesthetic. Chris Pine makes for a great oily villain.
It's not far into the movie in which Wish makes it clear that King Magnifico is a liar and an egomaniac who does not have the common people's interests at heart, despite basing his entire existence on being their savior. But because so many have already bought into Magnifico (i.e. given him their wish), they refuse to see that they are being manipulated.
We are going to two shows today:
Into the Burrow: A Peter Rabbit™ Tale at the Atlanta Symphony Hall.
Then it's time (finally!!) forn American Girl LIVE.
Claudie - Claudie Wells, representing African Americans during the Harlem Renaissance era of the early 1920s
Nicki - Nicki Hoffman and Isabel Hoffman, representing the turn of the millennium into the year 2000
Courtney - Courtney Moore, representing the feminist, technological and societal changes in American society and the start of the AIDS pandemic in the mid 1980s
Melody - Melody Ellison, representing the African-American Civil Rights movement of the 1960s[1]
Julie - Julie Albright, representing the feminist and societal changes of American society during the mid 1970s and the US Bicentennial
Are you ready Melody?
Sissy Princess Annie
(Pansy Petal - Fairy Flower-Little Girl Sissy)