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Prim's Petticoat Pansies -Sissy Princess Annie In The Rose Room


Sissy Princess Annie has been featured in Prim's Petticoat Pansies many times. I especially love her first Rose Room montage. Isn't she the cutest little girl sissy ever??

"Aunty Frocks has always known that I NEED to be a little girl" - Sissy Princess Annie

The Rose Room is a special place for hundreds of other sissies!

"I love being a petticoat pansy" - Sissy Princess Annie

Sissy Princess Annie - "PPFF-LGS"

Pansy Petal - Fairy Flower-Little Girl Sissy

paper (magnetic) dolls for pre-schoolers

Mistress Shari gave me a present of paper dolls. But these are magnetic. Paper dolls get ruined so easily but these are hard plastic and wil...