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Beatrix - Little girl sissy of the month - February 2025

This is a new feature of the blog that has been requested for months. Since I am acquainted with many of Goddess Aphrodite's little sissy girls I decided to request permission from the cult of Aphrodite.

This darling sissy's name is Beatrix. It means "voyager" and "blessed". She is dutch and lives in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). She gave me these photos to share. Isn't she cute and adorable!          Her favorite color is purple and lavender.

She is 18 years old and lives with her parents. Her family works in agriculture. They manage huge tulip farms which grow tulip bulbs for export. She has many jobs on the farm but especially loves how beautiful the tulips are every season. Sissies all love beauty in whatever form it takes.

As long as Beatrix can remember she always loved beautiful flowers, lovely art and pretty dresses and so much more. With her parents help she started transitioning to a girl at very young age. She always knew she was a sissy and craved to live the perfect feminine lifestyle. She discovered the Cult of Aphrodite because of her interest in greek mythology and the divine feminine, Goddess Aphrodite.

The purple dress she is wearing is one of her favorites. She loves the lacy apron which makes the dress more fashionable and darling.  The sissy maid look!

(Mother and daughter in tulip field)

From Beatrix: 

Mistress Emily, thank you for asking to share my pictures and about myself on Sissy Annie's blog. 

I'm a very shy girl who is much more comfortable in rural areas than in big cities. I love being a pretty pansy sissy! Goddess Aphrodite has helped me understand and accept who I am.  I met sissy annie at the Sissy Gathering in Orlando last month. She is a sweet little princess!"

I had always wanted to be accepted as a girl. It became an obsession with me. Being very feminine and passable made that easier. But I learned, from Goddess Aphrodite and my Vestal Priestess, Julie, that being a sissy is a revered and esteemed status in the Cult of Aphrodite. Of course, beauty and femininity are important aspects of being a sissy.  But a sissy has special obligations to the divine feminine, Goddess Aphrodite. That incudes the sacred sacrifice every morning after prayer. 

This is what  a girly girl needs!

Mistress Emily

Who is Prissy little pansy Annie?

This is Sissy Princess Annie. I am 4 years old. I am intellectually, legally, emotionally and socially a child.  I love being a pretty little girl.   My mommy makes all decisions for me because I am a child. I am also a prissy little pansy. My dollies are my best friends I must be girly and feminine in every thought and in everything I do. My life is all about girly sweetness. 

Goddess Aphrodite told me to post this and explain why this is so important.

I love and worship Goddess Aphrodite. She is the divine feminine. I am just a weak and vulnerable little girl sissy! Goddess Aphrodite loves to see pretty boys sissified, feminized and transformed into adorable prissy little pansies. All of Goddess Aphrodite's sissies are virgins. Never having been able to have sex with a female.

Every morning I recite my prayers to Goddess Aphrodite at her altar. My Nanny Katy wanks me in order for me to offer my sacred sacrifice of my sissy cream. I beg my nanny to wank me to make me feel like the pathetic little prissy pansy sissy girl I truly am. After I spurt I am fed my sissy cream. I love my sissy cream. It tastes like vanilla ice cream. I also am completely humiliated.  I am nothing more than an obedient little sissy wanker.

Mixtiles of monthly sissy magazine on her princess room walls!

Annie's Mommy has ordered pretty Mixtiles prints of the 2024 sissy magazine covers. They are magnetic so they stick to the walls and are easy to remove and put in another place.

I have sissy annie stand with me as we look at these and chat about how deeply humiliating they are.  Thanks to Ms Dani for creating these.

Nanny Katy reads the captions and explains them to me.  They are very humiliating. They are a reminder of what a sissy lifestyle I live! But that does not mean I do not love being a little girl sissy! I do! So very much! I am a prissy little pansy! - Sissy Princess Annie

I can see these from my bed when I go to sleep at night.


Nanny Katy

How childish is Sissy Annie? Part 5 - Disney Cruise

We could attempt to put a "number" answer on this question. Maybe a range between 3 and 6 yeas old? But a better answer is to choose an example of sissy's childish persona and further detail that with examples.

Please post comments to the question "How childish is Sissy Annie?" This is the fifth post of many which will be asking the same question with different examples of prissy little sissy Annie's childish interests!

                    Disney Cruises 

Mommy has taken sissy annie on 4 or 5 Disney Cruises since 2021. Of course, there are lots of Disney characters to meet and greet, Disney Shows and movies, children's clubs, and lots of little girls her age. Sissy Annie loves bringing lots of her pretty dresses and one of her dollies on the cruise!

Sissy Annie's ice cream dress is so cute and perfect for a 4 year old child


Ballet Recital dress

Minnie Mouse and Sissy Annie

The early sissification of sissy annie

I was able to locate a few of the earliest photos of sissy annie when her mom began her sissification. As I have mentioned before, sissy annie was an awful and nasty boy who instigated havoc and hurt his sister and other girls on multiple occasions.

Annie's mom reached out for professional help. She was told that sissification was the perfect answer for out of control boys!

This is sissy Annie (left) with her older sister, Margaret. This is the earliest photo I was able to find. Margaret loved being asked to help with sissy Annie's sissification. She basically made sissy annie her living dolly.

Mom loved dressing the girls in matching dresses and outfits. Margaret introduced sissy annie to the world of dolls, ballerinas, and princesses. Margaret also introduced sissy annie to her girlfriends who loved assisting with her sissification.

At first sissy annie was totally ashamed and humiliated by being dressed as a girl and being made to be a dainty and delicate little princess! Mom home schooled her daughters from the time the girls would have been in first grade. Sissy Annie had many girlfriends. Even some who were not direct girlfriends of his sister's. In time sissy annie became much more vulnerable and weak-minded. Very dependent on girls and women to care for him.

On the right is a lovely photo of sissy annie's Mom and sissy annie in a pretty and frilly yellow dress. Probably a year older than in the photo above. Mom had decided that sissy annie required professional help to adjust to life as a sissy girl. Especially since sissy annie's sissifcation had a deep impact on him. She became very dependent on women to care for her and protect her. A very vulnerable, fragile, weak-minded and delicate little sissy.

By the time sissy annie was a teenager she was a full time sissy girl. She loved being feminine and girly. Without going into great detail here, Ms Holly met sissy annie when she was in her early twenties and adopted sissy annie as her daughter. Since sissy annie was incredibly childish and juvenile Ms Holly decided that sissy annie should live the lifestyle of a 5 year old little girl, In time she was able to have sissy annie declared a legal minor with her as sissy annie's legal guardian.

These are some of the first portraits of sissy annie taken after she was adopted by Ms Holly and began living the lifestyle of a 5 year old little girl.

The court had reached a conclusion that sissy annie could not care for herself so Ms Holly was appointed as her legal guardian. Meaning that Ms Holly had responsibility to keep annie safe, healthy and happy as every child deserves. 

Not long after Ms Holly took sissy annie to Dr Dotson for regular therapy sessions. Sissy Annie loves her life as a prissy little pansy! She loves being a mommy to her dollies! She loves that she is a 4 year old little sissy girl. She now is a member of the Cult of Aphrodite. Goddess Aphrodite has a special love for little girl sissies. She adores pretty boys being sissified and feminized and living the dream of being a prissy little pansy.

Thank you, Mommy. I love you so much and I worship the divine feminine, Goddess Aphrodite! She comes to me every night in my dreams and reminds me that my every thought and deed, as a prissy little pansy, is a form of worship of her. I offer her my scared sacrifice, of my sissy cream, every day after my prayers to her - sissy princess annie

Mistress Emily

carnival desserts cart dress

So many have requested more photos of sissy annie in her carnival desserts cart dress as seen on the cover of Sissy Magazine #14 for February 2025. Here are more photos of sissy annie for your enjoyment. 

Thank you, mommy, for posting those pretty photos of me in that lovey carnival desserts cart dress. I could not count how many people called me a "prissy little pansy" as you took pictures of me as we walked through the forest! - prissy little pansy annie

American Girl Orlando Store visit Jan 18th

This is prissy little pansy annie. I am a 4 year old little girl sissy! I love my pretty dollies! The day before the Sissy Gathering mommy (Mistress Emily) took me and Mary Ellen to the American Girl Store in Orlando for lunch and shopping. I love the American Girl stores as do all little girls my age. We love bringing our dollies with us. It's also an opportunity to dress up pretty. I love being there with all the other little girls!

I wore my Minnie Mouse dress and also dressed Mary Ellen in a matching dress! I always get even more compliments when I am matching with my dolly. That's cause I look even more childish when I am twinning with my dolly. I think that is because I am as excited and happy as the other little girls who are there. Mommy says it is become I behave and act like all the other darling little girls who are in the store too!

I had another wonderful experience as we were looking at all the dolls and the other things before our reservation for lunch.  A lovely lady, who was there with her two little girls, came up to me. Mommy helped me write this part.

Ms Nancy: Oh! My! I love that you and your dolly are wearing Minnie Mouse dresses! What's your name sweetheart and how old are you.

Annie: Thank you very much, Miss. My name is Annie and I'm 4 years old. My dolly's name is Mary Ellen (deep curtsy)

Ms Nancy: What a lovely curtsy! You are a darling little girl. These are my daughters, Julie and Molly. They are a little bit older to you

Annie: So nice to meet you girls. (Deep curtsy). I see you have your dollies with you too! This is Mary Ellen.

Ms Nancy (to Mommy): Do you have reservations for lunch? We have Noon reservations. Would you like to join us?

Mommy: That would be delightful! Thank you for asking! I am sure Annie would love having lunch with your lovely daughters! Wouldn't you Annie?

Annie: Yes, Mommy! Please!!!

Ms Nancy: Is Annie your sissy? She seems to be a well-behaved little princess who knows her place. What's her real age?

Mommy: She lives the lifestyle of a 4 year old little girl! She is a child emotionally, intellectually and legally. She knows her place. She truly is a sweetheart and will do as she is told. She has been totally sissified.

We had an amazing lunch. I got to know Julie and Molly. We have so much in common.

As you can see I am a very happy prissy little pansy!

We also went to Disney Springs later in the afternoon.

Prissy Little Pansy Annie

Sissy #14, February 2025

How childish is Sissy Annie? Part 4 - The Puppetry Arts Center

We could attempt to put a "number" answer on this question. Maybe a range between 3 and 6 yeas old? But a better answer is to choose an example of sissy's childish persona and further detail that with examples.

Please post comments to the question "How childish is Sissy Annie?" This is the fourth post of many which will be asking the same question with different examples of prissy little sissy Annie's childish interests!

                    Visits to the Puppetry Arts Center

Sissy Annie loves being a prissy little pansy and taking a special dolly with her to go to a puppet show or special event the the center for puppetry Arts. Everyone knows her there. She fits in well with all the other children!

Mistress Emily


Yes! I am a sissy and I love it!!

Sissy Annie loves her pretty dresses and her little dollies. She is the best sissy mommy to them. So utterly darling and childish.  Fragile, delicate, girly and sweet! Her dreams are coming true. 

Being all girly! Wearing pretty dresses! Being a prissy little pansy! Having female hormones giving me gorgeous curves! Long beautiful hair with lots of darling curls! I am a soft & sweet littIe, feminized sissy

I am being trained to be a sissy maid by Mistress Shari. I am learning how to please her by bathing and dressing her and caring for her clothes and bedroom.

Who would not prefer to be a gorgeous girl instead of a boring boy?

Do you like my pretty pink party dress? I love being a prissy little pansy!

Beatrix - Little girl sissy of the month - February 2025

This is a new feature of the blog that has been requested for months. Since I am acquainted with many of Goddess Aphrodite's little siss...