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Mistress and Sissy: A Dialogue, episode 25

Mistress Amelia asks:
There is definitely a rise in feminized men in western countries. What percentage of women desire to feminize men and transition them to a feminine lifestyle?

Sissy Dani responds:

That’s a tough question to answer. I started by looking for any polling or other statistics on women who participate in feminization; my search came up empty. So, I’m afraid my answer will be largely anecdotal.

On my list of blogs I follow, there are a half-dozen or so written by men who have been feminized by their female partners or by women who have feminized their male partners. The comments on those blogs would indicate that for every pairing of this kind, there are some 10 to 20 others who are either living the same lifestyle or would like to. Of course, there is no real way for me to investigate that all these people are “real” or not just engaging in a fantasy. Still, combined with the growing audience for shows like RuPaul’s Drag Race and for activities like womanless beauty pageants, the evidence exists for a community of feminizing dominant women and their submissive partners.

Many of these couples appear to have begun as more “vanilla”. Often, they might be described as a “female-led relationship” or FLR, in which the woman partner takes on the duties and activities more usually expected to be the male’s domain—primary earner, controlling the budget, even making decisions about sexual activity. In time, to reinforce that sense of control, the woman begins to demand that the man behave more like a typical woman, right down to how he dresses. It might start with aprons and then move on to panties and nighties, and later to completely feminine attire at all times.

The man’s willingness to acquiesce to this treatment is often enhanced by tying it to sexual satisfaction. He is denied orgasm unless wearing feminine clothing, for instance; in some cases, the in-charge woman may insist that his only sexual activity is cunnilingus, turning him into a “male lesbian”, or anal penetration with a strap-on dildo (often referred to as “pegging”). Soon, the male will prefer these methods to any others and will happily play the part of a submissive, feminized toy in order to achieve arousal and satisfaction.

How many of these couples live this way full time, 24/7? Enough, perhaps, for there to be a number of successful companies who cater to them by providing feminine clothing in sizes that fit the male physique, including outfits for maids and other domestic servants.

Our dialogue will be taking a hiatus for the summer. Look for a return after Labor Day.


  1. I am always a bit surprised that more and more women desire to feminize their husbands. But I love it!

  2. You would be surprised. That are more than you would think!


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