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Mia and Dani--A Dialogue: Season 2, episode 1a

As Dani stated in Season 1, episode #1 - Sissification involves humiliation. Feminization does not.
Most males should be feminized in order for them to understand that the women in their lives are in control. To sissify is to take their submission to a deeper level
A crossdresser is feminized but isn't necessarily humiliated. There is some overlap between the two. Sissification is a subset of feminization, specifically focusing on acting like a sissy.

1. How do you identify a candidate for feminization?

Dani replies:
I think the first indication of a good candidate is body language—how does the male move, stand, and sit? If he strides like an athlete, he’s a poor choice; if he walks more gently, even with a bit of a lilt to his step, that’s better. If he stands with his arms crossed or hands on hips, legs spread, that’s a no; if his stance is legs together, or one foot pointed in front of the other, with hands clasped at the waist, he’s well on his way to feminine posture. Similarly, sitting with legs spread wide, or one foot on the knee of the other leg, give him a pass; if, however, he sits with knees together or legs crossed at the ankles, that’s a potential fem-boy.

Voice is another clue. I don’t mean he should speak in falsetto or the stereotypical “gay” manner—rather, a soft-spoken tone, maybe a bit breathy is good. Vocabulary is a sign as well—are all his metaphors and similes sports-related? Then he’s probably not suitable. But if his topics tend to be literature, theater, music, he more likely has a feminine mindset already.

Of course, a slender, fine-featured male is easier to make look girly. But even big burly guys can be remade—after all, no one doubts the femininity of actresses like Melissa McCarthy or Queen Latifah, right?

The final consideration is “how does he react to you?” If you come on strong and dominant, does he try to outdo you? Or is his natural reaction to acknowledge your female superiority? If the latter, he’s well on his way to submissive feminization.

Mia will post her reply next week.


  1. This statement says it all: "Most males should be feminized in order for them to understand that the women in their lives are in control" LOL

  2. Very specific clues! Any man even on the edges is a candidate for feminization.

  3. Body language is a dead giveaway. Especially legs crossed at the ankles or limp-wristed sissies,

  4. How excellent you are at describing what needs wants and desires lie within us

    1. Ms Dani has a great deal of experience with sissies!


You look absolutely fantastic!!

Sharing some of the lovely compliments that sissy Annie receives on her flickr page or other places online! You look absolutely fantastic. ...