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Sissy Annie needs new baby dresses

 Help me choose the 2 or 3 baby dresses, that  you like the best,  for Sissy Baby Annie!

          Little pink Sailor dress set


Baby Bear victorian mirror dress set

Sissy Baby Cotton Dress Set


Baby Softness Chiffon Dress Set

Baby Big Dress Set

Dreamy Dress Set 1


  1. I love them all Sissy Baby Annie for me its a tossup between the Baby Bear Victorian minor dress and the Little Pink sailor dress. But really all of them are so lovely and will make you look so cute when you wear them. You are a very lucky sissy baby to have such pretty dresses.

  2. Annie I chose the 6 that I like the most. You do need a few more baby dresses since you are now wearing them on a more or less daily basis. I am sure your friends here will select the cutest ones.

  3. These are all cute baby dresses. Hard to choose: 1 - Little pink Sailor dress set. 2-Baby Softness Chiffon Dress Set. 3-Baby Bear victorian mirror dress set

  4. What type of diapers is baby annie using these days? My first choice is Baby Bear victorian mirror dress set Second - Baby Big Dress Set.
    Third - Sissy Baby Cotton Dress Set

  5. Has mommy found a baby crib for you yet? I adore the Little pink Sailor dress set. It's the perfect color and style for a sissy baby like you. The Sissy Baby Cotton Dress Set is simple but oh so sweet!

  6. Delores , I'm happy to contribute to this purchase. Infantile sissy baby annie will look so cute in any of these. The Baby Big Dress Set is #1 - #2 is Baby Softness Chiffon Dress Set #3 is Little pink Sailor dress set

  7. Love them all but choose the Baby Bear dress.

  8. #1 -Little pink Sailor dress set #2 - Baby Bear victorian mirror dress set #3-Dreamy Dress Set 1

  9. 1- Baby Softness Chiffon Dress Set 2-Dreamy Dress Set 1. 3-Baby Big Dress Set

  10. They are all cute and adorable. #1-Baby Bear victorian mirror dress set #2 - Baby Softness Chiffon Dress Set #3-Little pink Sailor dress set

  11. How is sissy's infantalization coming along? I prefer the cute pink baby dresses. #1-Little pink Sailor dress set #2-Baby Big Dress Set #3-Baby Bear victorian mirror dress set

  12. 1-Dreamy Dress Set 1 2-Baby Softness Chiffon Dress Set 3-Baby Bear victorian mirror dress set. Is baby back in diapers full time?

  13. Annie, you will be so cute in the new baby dresses! I love imagining your mommy feeding you your baby bottle as she tells you what a darling little baby you are! I love the Little pink Sailor dress set most!


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