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pink party dress

 I love this cute pink party dress. You are to choose at least 6 photos of you in this dress in 6 different places/events. You are to write about where you were, what we you doing , how were you feeling and how "sissy" you felt on a scale from 1 to 10.  "10" being you felt the sissiest ever.  If it was not a 10 what could have made it a "10". ---- Mistress Delores Dale

"How sissy I felt" is, to me, my level of girly sweetness! -  Annie

American Girl Place - Rockefeller Place - New York

These photos were from a New York trip to American Girl Place in January 2021. I brought Rebecca Rubin with me. She is the tenth Historical Character, representing early twentieth-century America during the second wave of European immigration and Jewish-American culture. Rebecca was released in 2009 and is part of the BeForever collection.

The picture on the left is inside the Rockefeller Center entrance. It is a beautiful glass wall. In January 2021 Corrine and Gwynn Tan were the Girls of the Year. The picture on the right is the American Girl Cafe which is on the lower level. We were about to sit down for lunch. I also took Rebecca to the salon to give her a new hair style after lunch. It was fun to watch the stylists.

American Girl is one of my very favorite places. The New York store is a flagship store. It is huge and so much fun. The restaurant can sit over 200 people. There were lots of other little girls, with their dollies and mommies. It always makes me feel so happy to see lots of other little girls having fun. Shopping, playing, making new friends and so much more.

I got lots of compliments on my dress and because I dressed Rebecca in one of her very fashionable dresses from her historical collection. It was definitely a 10!! 

Nutcracker Ballet - Classic Center Theater

A couple days before Christmas 2022  we went to the Classic Center theater to see the Ukraine Ballet Company perform the Nutcracker Ballet. I took my Truly Me dolly, Samantha, with me and dressed her in a beautiful ballet outfit. I love that ballet. It's my favorite. Before the show I posed next to the beautiful Christmas tree and the nutcracker. There was also another holiday backdrop where I posed. I loving posing for pictures and doing a deep curtsy and introducing myself and my dolly (and giving my personal card to those mommy allows). 

There were lots of other little girls (and boys) there dressed fancy for the holidays. I was so happy to see that other girls brought their dollies too! Samantha had a great time. She loves going to the ballet. I got lots of compliments and Samantha did too. After the show we went to dinner. It was so cold out and even in my long wool red coat I was shivering. Samantha and I had a great time chatting about how much we loved ballet. She got to wear the pretty ballet costume. Lucky girl! Another 10!!

Center for puppetry Arts -  Atlanta, Ga

Another one of my favorite places for children is the Center for Puppetry Arts. We go for the amazing puppet shows, the member events and to visit the Jim Henson museum. The most recent visit was to see the "Duke Ellington's Cat". puppet show. I brought Kavi Sharma with me. She is the American Girl GITY 2023. It was cold outside last month (February) so I dressed her in a winter, skirt and sweater, outfit.

That bench is right in front of the Muppets exhibit. It's a perfect place to sit and pose for pretty pictures. It's always fun to be there when there are lots of other children there. They always ask for picture and ask all about my dolly! I love taking the usual pictures every time we visit! Big Bird always remembers me. Another 10!!

First Portraits
I remember that we went to a lovely photo studio not long after I got this beautiful dress! I brought Truly Me Samantha with me. She was my first and only American Girl at the time. I was a little nervous. But the nice photographer showed me some lovely poses. Then she helped me get into the right state of mind for the rest of the photo shoot.  She told me to look in the mirror and tell her what I see there. I said that I see a beautiful little sissy princess who is wearing the most darling pink party dress. She asked me how old that princess is. I said 5 year old but still in kindergarten. Then she told me a secret. That my most beautiful feature is my smile. It is a window into who I truly am. A precious sissy princess. I started to cry cause that made me so happy. She told me not to cry because I would ruin my makeup. Then I started to laugh. She gave me a hug and told me never to grow up.  I learned so much about myself that day.

The picture on the far right always makes me cry with happiness.  Samantha will always be my first little darling. It was a number of years ago that I had to send her to the doll hospital to fix her arms and legs. I should have done it sooner but I was too scared. It took months but when she arrived back I started to cry again. I was so happy to have her back! She is the best little dolly! She is an original Pleasant Company doll! Another 10 but probably a 100 because this little girl discovered that she is a butterfly! 

A lovely trip out west

We went on a trip to Arizona for a wedding and a birthday party awhile back. Not long after I got this dress, Mommy let me wear this pretty dress to both events. 

Mommy and I had a chat about the things a girl needs to be aware of when wearing dresses. Dresses are adorable but, especially for little girls, there are things to manage. Always smooth out one's dress before sitting. Overlap does not look nice. When sitting always think of ones self as a pretty flower with the petals arranged perfectly around the pistil. I had to look this up to remember.  The pistil usually is located in the center of the flower.  When sitting in a dress one must keep her knees locked at all times. Different positions are acceptable. Showing one's panties is in very bad taste. Also, a girl needs to be aware if it is a windy day and be prepared to grasp the hem of one's dress and hold it tightly so it does not blow up and show everything. It has happened to me. The other thing is that I have been pinched and patted from behind. It's always a shock but there is not much to do without creating a scene.

The wedding was beautiful and I got so many compliments on my pretty dress. But I was very sad that I was not asked to be a flower girl. I was cuter than the flower girls anyway!
I did enjoy my cousin Joanne's 8th birthday party. We played lots of girl's party games. I made quite a few new girlfriends!

I had an amazing time and we got to do some sightseeing in Arizona. It was extra special to be introduced to relatives for the first time as Annie. It was probably an 8 because I was so jealous of the flower girls at the wedding. For the longest time I thought it was because I was not cute enough!

American Girl Chicago - First Visit

This was my first visit to American Girl Place in Chicago. It is the first flagship store. It is located in Water Tower Place on Michigan Avenue. The store  has 3 floors with a huge cafe/restaurant. I was quite nervous being the first time I was there. Mommy told me I was as pretty, if not prettier than all the other girls there. That's probably where I really started to think of myself as pretty and cute. Most of the other little girls there were dresses very casually. Even the girls in dresses were in basic and simple dresses. Adorable but not as fancy as me. I did get lots of requests for pictures. Mommy encouraged me to do a seep curtsy to everyone who approached me. 

We had lunch at the cafe. It was so much fun and the lovely server could not tell me enough times how much she loved my dress. After lunch we picked out a dolly for me (my new Truly Me Samantha). We took her out of the box so I could carry her around with me.  After AG we walked down the street to the Disney Store. I got asked all about my dolly and compliments on my pretty pink princess dress!  I don't think I enjoyed the entire day as much as possible because I was so nervous. But I knew we were coming back many times, So I give it an 8.

Sissy Princess Annie


  1. ONG
    Annie I love the phots and the stories you are such a pretty sissy girl so little I love what you wrote. you are so pretty

    1. Thanks , Claire. I love being a pretty little sissy girl!

  2. I did enjoy the back stories and especially the lovely photos! I give you a "B" grade for the assignment. ""How sissy I felt" is, to me, my level of girly sweetness! - Annie" It's much more that that. Do you remember when I saw you at the mall the first time we met? You loved my attention. You were so eager to tell me all about yourself and show me what a darling little girl sissy you are. You can't help yourself. Your sissification can be taken so much deeper. I will give your Pre-charm school assignment #3 next week.

    1. I agree with your comments. Annie was a bit reserved and shy in her comments. The photos are so very revealing. She adores the attention and craves much more. That reminds me how much Annie loves staring at herself in the mirror! LOL

    2. I love the post and especially the gorgeous sissy pics! After reading Ms Dale's comments I realized that Annie could have been much more open about her emotions and her sissification. I would recommend that be incorporated into assignment #3.

    3. I agree. I little girl should not hide her emotions. She also should cry when feeling sad or happy. Keeping those emotions in is not healthy, I assume that Annie talks a lot with her dollies. Maybe a letter to one of her dollies, sharing her thoughts, could be a perfect assignment!

    4. thank you, Mistress Dale. I will try to be better and share more of my feelings. I am looking forward to charm school and being taken so much deeper into my sissy world.

    5. So much deeper to total submission and extreme sissification. Resistance is futile,

  3. OMG! It's hard for me to choose my favorite pictures. Obviously this is a very special dress. Your first portraits are very, very precious! You are a true girly-girl! So weak and vulnerable and darling. Clutching your dolly for comfort and security. I can tell you know how pretty you are. Loving showing that off. Huggs and kisses sweet little sissy..

    1. Thanks, Becky! I'm glad you like all the pics!

  4. The first portraits are remarkable and so very precious! A darling and dainty little princess. Look how happy you are!! No one can tell me that this pretty young thing is not an authentic little girl! Hugs!

    1. Ms, Anna thank you. I love those pics. They bring back lovely memories.

  5. The pics are delightful! What a happy child. I love the pics with your dollies. How you have bonded with them!! Of course you need adult supervision and direction. Your goals perfect!!

  6. Of course, I love that your visits to American Girl hold a very special place in your heart. I adore those photos of you and Rebecca Rubin in AG-NYC. I know how much you love her and all of your little darlings. Everyone asks about you. Hopefully your next visit to AG Chicago won't be too far away. Be a good little girl for you mommy and care for your dollies.

    1. Thank you ma'am. I appreciate your sweet comments. I promise to take good care of my dollies and be a good little girl for mommy.

  7. I just found your amazing blog! Annie. You have become the charming and delightful little princess. I remember you from Katie's 5 year old birthday party. I think you wore this dress but it might have been something similar. Katie is 9 now. Hope to see you soon on a Disney trip. BTW I have always loved that sweet and so childish pic of you holding your lollipop! Be a good girl.

    1. I agree with you how heartly Ailey I have always love the same photo

    2. thanks Ailey and Claire. I think I look like maybe a 2 year old in that pic.

  8. Love that dress hunnibun, very cute 😍 is it your favorite,or do you have another one you like more?

    1. I have 4 pretty pink party dresses. But this one is my favorite and, as you can see, i have been able to wear it in so many amazing places! I guess , like most other little girls, I love pretty fancy pink dresses!!


I love being a pansy

Followers of my sissy blog may have noticed many recent posts calling me a PANSY .  That's because I am a  PANSY . Mistress Shari has be...