Sharing some of the lovely compliments that sissy Annie receives on her flickr page or other places online!
You look absolutely fantastic. My eyes enjoy viewing the most gorgeous and special people in our world. You are the most wonderful and appealing ladies in the world. Your beauty and style are impeccable and immaculate. I truly adore you and other special ladies that are similar. I am extremely blessed to know that amazing women like you exist. Have a wonderful weekend!!!❤️

Admiring your beauty truly inspires me to think of ways to express how much I truly appreciate your images. I know I come off a little over the top, but I really am impressed and interested. I have been intrigued by special girls since I was young and saw some on a tv talk show. Of course they were ostracized, but my curiosity was peaked. I have been attracted to special human beings like you ever since then. The femininity, sensuality, glamour and sexuality that you exude draws me in like the most powerful of magnets. I apologize if I come off too strong, but I am a sincere admirer that is truly greatful for your existence. Your existence and willingness to share your experience definitely makes my life a little bit better!!❤️

Magical indeed, the environment you have created for your little girl's room! Any “boy” in love with the childhood she was unable to have would undoubtedly dream of living in the same enchantment! Everything is so pretty and you especially, proud as such an adorable little girl should be to wear a dress which so well exalts her budding femininity.
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
Thanks for the compliments! - Prissy little pansy Annie
How absolutely wonderful to receive these special compliments! You love being the sweetest, sugary 4 year old sissy princess! One can't help but notice how happy you are!!
ReplyDeleteWe are so proud of our FISH Academy graduate, sissy pansy annie. She is a delicate and dainty little princess! She adores being a girly girl!
ReplyDeleteAnnie is the sweetest sissy Prissy Pansy sissy little girl I have ever seen.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful to be reinforced as a darling little princess!
ReplyDeleteSo delicate and darling! Such a pretty princess! The compliments are so lovely!