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Pettocoat Punishment is an oximoron.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines contradictory words with opposing meanings, like “old news,” “deafening silence,” or “organized chaos.” Oxymorons may seem illogical at first, but in context they usually make sense. 

Petticoat training refers to an age-old method of psychological mind control. Typically either a wife uses this method to control a misbehaving husband or a mother uses it with her disobedient son.

It's based on how extreme the wife or mother feels the situation warrants. After years of misconduct with no relief in sight, a mother may feel the need to resort to extreme measures to get her son under control. To accomplish this, she embarks on the process of Petticoat Training for her son.

I showed this adorable dress to prissy little pansy Annie. Of course she begged me for it. I asked her how many stiff petticoats she would need to wear with this dress!  She replied "3 at least".  LOL.

Here is sissy annie in a full stiff petticoat! Petticoat Punishment?? More like petticoat ECSTACY!!

Mistress Emily


  1. OMG Annie, I love that beautiful and childish sissy dress with the full petticoat! I'm sure everyone wants to see more pics of you in that dress!!

  2. Annie, your photo is perfect such a very pretty sissy.

  3. Definitely petticoat ecstacy! Sissy loves the wat her petticoats fill out her skirts and dresses. She loves to twirl and swing in her petticoats.

  4. Please share the story and pics of sissy in that OTT sissy dress!!

  5. Petticoat punishment is really petticoat therapy! Sissy loves the feeling of her petticoats swishing around her lovely legs!

  6. Obviously sissy is having a great time showing off her sissy baby dress! So darling and adorable!

  7. Sissies belong in frilly pink dresses and full petticoats. So much easier to give a deep curtsy!!

  8. Love to see sissy annie in that stunning, childish pink dress!

  9. Petticoat Punishment is a major part of the FISH Academy curriculum!!

  10. It didn't take sissy annie long to love being petticoated!


You look absolutely fantastic!!

Sharing some of the lovely compliments that sissy Annie receives on her flickr page or other places online! You look absolutely fantastic. ...