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Replies to ......prissy pansy annie top 12 in 2024

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My fave is undoubtedly the third from the left in the top row, with the parasol! Runners up are the first ones in the second and third rows.  My favorite is lower left! The frillier the dress the better. All the photos show how juvenile and childish she is.  My faves are the ones with her dollies! My favorite is the left column-middle row. Sissy on her knees with the beautiful tulips! My faves are those of sissy with the Easter Bunny and Minnie Mouse. My favorite is sissy in the Minnie Mouse dress standing next to Minnie Mouse herself. Sissy loves the attention.I love the one with sissy and the Easter Bunny! I bet your mommy took you at the busiest time so all the other children could see what a pansy you are. My favorite is sissy with the Easter bunny

Thank you all for the sweet and lovely compliments. Especially to mommy who bought me all these pretty and darling little girl dresses! I adore being taken out and shown off to everyone I meet. Mommy says I am like all little girls my age. We all love the attention pretty little darlings get.

Annie, I love it, all your photos are so pretty, and you are such a sweet Prissy Pansy Sissy little girl. What a prissy little pansy you are. All little girls would be so jealous of your pretty dresses! So ultra submissive as she gently pulls our her dress ever so lightly. They show how childish and juvenile sissy really is. Love the ones with her dolly too! Prissy little pansy among the pansies!

I adore when someone tells me I am a prissy little pansy! I'm not sure why but that gets me all excited and tingly all over, I love gently pulling out my dress and doing a deep curtsy. It makes me feel like a pretty flower opening up when the sun shines.  

Then I give the lady my personal card! What usually happens next is that the lady reads aloud my card and says "mommy's prissiest little pansy" and laughs. Then she asks about "Prissy Pansy Paddlewhack". Many times I get paddled OTK (over the lady's lap) with my paddle.

Remember the 3 goals that her mommy gave her:
1. To be a dainty & delicate little girl sissy in the way I think, act and present myself
2. To completely accept female control and never question what I am told to do
3. Proud to show everyone what a precious little girl and Pretty princess I am

I love my personal goals. I love being a little girl sissy!

xoxo - prissy little pansy annie


  1. I do love that you also included the details about your personal card. You love to be paddled OTK

    1. Sissy does show how vulnerable she is. The spanking image on the backside of the card is a real example,

  2. Sissy Annie loves being a pretty darling! Her mommy loves showing her off!


You look absolutely fantastic!!

Sharing some of the lovely compliments that sissy Annie receives on her flickr page or other places online! You look absolutely fantastic. ...