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Clasped Hands and their meaning for a sissy

What is the sissy telling us when she clasps her hands in front of her? Sissy Annie often claps her hands, one hand sitting on top of another. She does this while sitting or standing.

Usually when a little girl, or a sissy, clasps her hands it is a sign of vulnerability, nervousness, anxiety or a desire to feel more secure. It is a common body language cue that indicates someone might be uncomfortable or stressed. 

Clasping hands is a way of saying, especially for a sissy: "I need you to take care of me and keep me safe". In essence, clasping hands can be a subconscious way of self-soothing and seeking comfort. It is also a sign of respect for others.

It is also a way of seeking comfort and reassurance and protecting oneself from perceived threats or discomfort. In that manner creating a sense of physical and emotional safety. Of course, one never observes a male holding his hands in this manner. It is extremely girly body language.

By nature sissies are very submissive, weak-minded and very vulnerable. Depending on the situation, dressing very feminine and girly can also be very discomforting  for a female. 

A sissy can only feel safe is there is someone around her that is there to protect her and keep her safe. Sissy Annie is out in public often and depends on mommy and  other women to care for her.

There are times when sissy annie cries because she is so nervous and scared. But that's normal for a child her age. Mommy, a babysitter or another woman is always there to comfort her.

Mistress Emily

A prissy little pansy at the American Girl Place


  1. A sissy's body language has a few major characteristics. very vulnerable and feminine. Sissies tilt their heads when having conversations with people, especially in conversations with people who they feel hold authority over them. Gestures during, talking or listening to others, such as playing with hair or jewelry, grabbing upper arms or touching the neck. Nodding and smiling can be signs of submission. Of course, how sissies sit, walk, etc show their vulnerability.

  2. Sissy has been well trained to walk, sit and gesture in small feminine movements. Very natural for her after all this time.

  3. I always notice the little things that sissy does. Smoothing out her dress when she sits. Always keeping her knees locked. Her very feminine hand motions. The manner in which she is sitting is always very submissive.

  4. Annie is so pretty in each of her photos. You can tell that she is without a doubt a Pansy Prissy Sissy and always will be.

  5. Fascinating subject, body language. We just accept for what it is but never look past the obvious.

  6. quite the interesting dive into all aspects of the prissy little pansy! So vulnerable, shy and needy of adult care.

  7. This is one of my favorite posts! It's truly incredible to see how deeply sissified sissy annie is.

  8. Correct body language is very important. It sends a very focused message to all who encounter sissy that she has been deeply sissified

  9. Such a prissy little pansy! So needy and weak-minded. Look how vulnerable she is.

  10. Sissy Annie's sissification has been taken to new deeper levels. One look at her and she is just the prissy passy at 10 out of ten

  11. Such sweet, darling and dainty body language for a prissy little sissy! She has been feminized and sissified to the utmost!

  12. I could tell that you are a dainty and delicate little sissy darling! So precious and girly!


You look absolutely fantastic!!

Sharing some of the lovely compliments that sissy Annie receives on her flickr page or other places online! You look absolutely fantastic. ...