A Charlie Brown Christmas is a 1965 animated television special. It is the first TV special based on the comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz, and features the voices of Peter Robbins, Christopher Shea, Kathy Steinberg, Tracy Stratford, and Bill Melendez. Produced by Lee Mendelson and directed by Melendez, the program made its debut on the CBS television network on December 9, 1965. In the special, Charlie Brown (Robbins) finds himself depressed despite the onset of the cheerful holiday season. After Lucy van Pelt (Stratford) suggests he direct a neighborhood Christmas play, his best efforts are ignored and mocked by his peers when he chooses a puny Christmas tree as a centerpiece.
The show was performed live on stage.
Sissy Annie's girlfriend's mommy, Amy, took Annie, Amy and Chrissy to the live show at the symphony hall! Sissy Annie was wearing her Minnie Mouse dress!! The three girls has a great time. There was a full house audience! Lots of other children were there. Prissy Pansy Annie was so cute and adorable in her Minnie Mouse dress!
Oh dear you look so lovely such a very pretty Pansy Prissy Sissy
ReplyDeleteI am sure you love that your sissy girlfriend loves being taken out and displayed as a pretty sissy!
DeleteSissy is so adorable in her Minnie Mouse dress! What a lovely prissy pansy!
ReplyDeleteAdorable! Such a darling little sissy princess!
ReplyDeleteI love that MM dress on her. Sweet and childish! she continues to regress even further.
ReplyDeletesissy annie is such an obedient little sissy girl! I love her childish dresses!
ReplyDeleteThat's a dress that a 4 YO child would wear. It's perfect for you!
ReplyDeleteLittle girls your age can wear very short skirts and dresses!
ReplyDeleteObviously sissy loves showing off her darling childish dresses! Love the flounces on the Minnie Mouse dress!
ReplyDeleteMost sissies would be so scared to dress like that in public! But sissy loves to be taken out and shown off!
ReplyDeleteSo sweet to dress her in her MM dress for an event at the symphony!
ReplyDeleteUnlike most sissies, sissy annie is not afraid of her shadow. She loves to be taken out and shown off! Humiliation does not phase her.