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Replies to ...I am little miss sissy

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Annie asked quite an interesting question. I explained that women are no longer owned by men. Many women never take a man's last name anymore. Pronouns are now used by the woman's preference. As to sissies, the photo tells all!. Such a sweet little miss! I have noticed that nearly ever email and notification addressed to sissy uses "Miss Annie". Constant reinforcement.

Sissies are ALL called "Miss" because we are all basically submissive little children. I know that I am somewhere between a 3 or 4 year old little girl!

What a sweet little sissy princess!! Sissy is so adorable and darling in her pink dress!! Ultra sissy!! "Childish" seems redundant for a 4 year old prissy little pansy! This is a fact: . Sissy's poses are so darling and girly! Super childish! Adorable! Perfectly juvenile and childish! Loving her pretty dresses!!

I adore my pretty pink party dresses! I feel so girly and feminine!

How happy and joyous! Sissy loves showing off what a prissy pansy she is. That pink dress is so perfect for a 4 YO child!! Everyone calls her "Little Miss Sissy". So juvenile and childish! Little Miss Sissy" is the perfect start to a sissy song or poem! Sissy is so adorable in her pretty pink dress and hugging her bunny! Of course you are "Little Miss Sissy"! When you look in the mirror I bet you can't help but kiss yourself!

I am Little Miss Sissy and I love everything about it!! Thank you, Mommy. I love my dollies, my pretty dresses and being a prissy little pansy sissy is the best!

Why I ALWAYS wear dresses

Last weekend I was playing dollies in my playroom with my little girlfriends Amy and Julie. They were wearing a cute top, jeans and tennis shoes. I was in a dress, of course. Amy asked me why I always wear dresses. Mommy overheard the question and told me to post the answer here,

The first  and obvious reason is that I am a sissy. 

Sissies are not boys or men and are forbidden from wearing pants or slacks. But more that than I just adore wearing dresses because they make me feel so pretty and girly. I do love the feeling of a beautiful dress with lots of petticoats as I walk and move.


But wearing a dress also takes lots of care. When sitting I must keep my knees locked so not to show my panties. I also have to be so careful when it is windy outside. A strong gust of wind blows up my skirt and shows everyone my panties and more. It's very humiliating. "I see London. I see France. I see Annie's underpants"


Mommy loves me in dresses, for  these reasons, among others:

 I have been taught to curtsy and introduce myself to everyone I meet to show what a darling sissy princess I am. I must be in a dress to do a perfect curtsy. Mommy told me ONLY sissies curtsy anymore.


When I am a naughty sissy or do not listen to Mommy she puts me over her lap face down, pulls up my dress and pulls down my panties to paddle me. Mommy believes in immediate punishment so I don’t forget what I did wrong. I must thank mommy for the punishment after.


I always feel weak, helpless, defenseless and very vulnerable in a dress.  Mommy says that is very natural for a little girl sissy. Especially for a prissy little pansy like me who loves to be ultra femme and sissy!

I love being a girl and I love when mommy puts me in a pretty dress every morning!

                                    Love, sissy princess annie

Replies to....... pettocoat punishment is an oximoron

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OMG Annie, I love that beautiful and childish sissy dress with the full petticoat! I'm sure everyone wants to see more pics of you in that dress!! Please share the story and pics of sissy in that OTT sissy dress!! Love to see sissy annie in that stunning, childish pink dress!

OMG!! I KNOW! I would love to be put in that gorgeous poufy pink dress and do deep curtsies and show it off to everyone! Isn't it the most beautiful sissy dress ever? It's perfect for a 3 or 4 year old prissy little pansy! Me!!!!!! Imagine me wearing that dress as a flower girl at a wedding. No one would be looking at the bride!!

Annie, your photo is perfect such a very pretty sissy. Definitely petticoat ecstacy! Sissy loves the way her petticoats fill out her skirts and dresses. She loves to twirl and swing in her petticoats. Obviously sissy is having a great time showing off her sissy baby dress! So darling and adorable! Sissy Annie belongs in pretty pink dresses with lots of petticoats! Sissies adore full and pouffy petticoats! I love that last photo of sissy annie with her hands clapsed at her face. So perfectly dainty and darling!

Thank you!  We were at a lovely tea house and I was asked to prance around the room and show my pretty dress to everyone! I remember I felt like the ultimate prissy little pansy! I twirled around in the middle of the room for everyone to see what a darling amd delicate sissy I am!
Just encase me in pretty pink dresses with full and pouffy petticoats!

Petticoat punishment is really petticoat therapy! Sissy loves the feeling of her petticoats swishing around her lovely legs! Sissies belong in frilly pink dresses and full petticoats. So much easier to give a deep curtsy!! Petticoat Punishment is a major part of the FISH Academy curriculum!! It didn't take sissy annie long to love being petticoated! LOL! I love the prissy pansy pose! So sweet and submissive!

Love, sissy princess Annie

Goals and Affirmations reminder


   From a recent admirer - 

"I love what an innocent and juvenile little girl you personify in your photos! Darling,  childish short dresses, bare legs, frilly socks and cute shoes.

Totally vulnerable. Requiring care and nurturing as the 4 year old child you are both emotionally and intellectually. Your smile shows how happy you are to be that adorable little girl.  A pretty sissy princess! 

I love the photoshoots you share with us.  I have been noticing the little touches that your mommy adds to your outfits. A cute hair bow, lovely jewelry and more. Pretty makeup too! I love the pink lipgloss shine. Your pretty blonde hair with the long curls is the perfect style for a child your age". 

FISH Academy for little girl sissies



Sissies come to love and become deeply attached to their dollies!  There are even some sissies who go through a period of dollification where they become dollies themselves! Those sissies are the property of little girls. Waiting motionless, on the shelf, to be picked up and played with!

Email ""

She's not just a girl, she is a pretty little sissy! 
Today she is somewhere between a 3 and 4 year little girl who craves dollification.  

Mistress Emily

sissy Annie at the park with Auntie Claire.


This is Claire, Miss Prissy Pansy Annie's aunt. She is my niece and will always be. I was over to visit Mistress Emily the other day. She asked me if I could take Annie to the park while she did some work at home. I was very happy to take her to the park. I love her so very much.  I rearranged my back seat to fit Annie's car seat in my vehicle. We were ready to go.  I carried Annie's baby bag to the car, which included a bottle of baby Annie's formula, a cracker snack, and her dummy.

Annie was in her pretty little girl toddler dress along with a pink bow in her hair, and light red slippers with white and pink ankle socks that day. Under her dress, she wore lovely purple satin panties with white lace piping around her leg openings.

I helped Annie into the car seat and strapped her in as anyone would with a four-year-old child. Along with her dolly and gave her the dummy to suck on while we headed off to the park. Annie sat there quietly holding her bear plushy and sucked her dummy.  

The park was not far, and we even could have walked, if not for the bent wheel on Annie's stroller, I drove to the park and parked in the parking lot.  I helped Annie out of the car and said “You're ready to go play"

I took Annie's little hand and helped her with the swings.    She is only a few years old and needs the restriction of the seat. Once she was secured in the seat with the bar around her waist, I stepped behind her to push her to the clouds. With every push, I could see she was as if in flight to the sun, much like Icarus with wax wings. Her laughter was so exciting to hear. She laughed and cried out so that she could touch the sky.  As she slowed down and began to stop, she stated, “I hope nobody saw my pretty panties". Giggle

After that, I took her to the slide so she could slide down it. I held her hand as she climbed the steps to the top of the slide. Once on the top of the slide, she firmly held the bottom of her dress and let go as she slid to the earth below. Her laughter was the loudest I had ever heard from her. So much fun! We made several trips back and forth from the bottom of the slide to the top. Her glee was as if it were her first time sliding down each time. At the end of each slide, she would ask, "Did I go faster than the time before?" 

After doing this about five times, she said she needed to go to the potty. I helped her off the bottom of the slide and flattened her dress against her legs so she would not show anyone her pretty undies.

I looked up from helping her up to find a restroom not too far away. It was a cinder block building with metal doors on each side, one stating women’s and the other stating men’s. As I held her hand, we proceeded to the restroom. Unsure if it would be open since it was between late winter and early spring, I found the door unlocked, much to my surprise and joy.  It looked rather institutional and very cold, with its cinder blocks for walls and a metal sink. But it was of course a county park restroom.

With a dim light, I helped Annie to a stall, opened the metal door, and saw a standard metal toilet bowl attached to the walls, I had Annie lift her pretty dress and hold it tight to her breast.  I then slid down her silky/satin lavender panties with the white lace piping around her legs down to her knees.

I took her nubbin in my hand  and pointed it straight at the metal bowl, Annie, being a sissy little girl, Is not allowed to touch her nubbin in anyway at all.  I know this from being told by Mistress Emily that she is forbidden to do so. So, I held it, as she peed into the bowl. 

Once she was done, I took three pieces of toilet paper from the holder and dabbed her. Telling her she was a big girl and did not need to wear diapers in public. As I helped her wash her hands, I asked her if she was ready to go home.  She said yes and thanked me for helping her go potty cause she did not want to pee in her panties.

We sat down at a nearby picnic table and I fed her her baby bottle, baby food and the other little snacks I had brought with us. such a happy little sissy baby girl!

I then took her back to my car and helped her get in the car seat. Once there, I gave her the dummy, which she took without hesitation. I believe having her dummy gives her the peace and comfort with being a sissy little girl. 


Auntie Claire


Hello Kitty dress!

Sissy Annie loves Hello Kitty!  This dress is perfect for a 3 year old prissy little pansy! Somewhere between a sissy baby and a toddler. 

Mommy said that I will be going to children's birthday parties soon to entertain them.  That's the purpose of my new Hello Kitty dress!! She said I will do a little fashion show, sing some of my sissy songs and tell everyone what a prissy little pansy I am.  I will play games with the little girls and pose for pictures with them.

The girl's birthday parties will be humiliating for sissy as she displays what a prissy little pansy she truly is. While her performance will be sweet and girly the dynamic will be one of a submissive sissy acknowledging female superiority.

The boy's parties will be humiliating to both the boys and to sissy! She will display her sissiness and her childish nature. She will also share her love for her dollies! I am certain that there will be some little boys who will remember this encounter and eventually become sissies themselves.

There will also be adult parties where sissy will be humiliated. The "Ask the sissy" game will force the sissy to reveal all the details of his sissification. Can wanking be an outcome? Most probably yes!

Mistress Emily

Little girl sissy of the month - March 2025 - Sissy Denise!

 A new feature of sissy mommy's little darlings

I have been given permission by the cult of Aphrodite to share some of the loveliest  sissies who also worship Goddess Aphrodite!  This is sissy Denise! - Mistress Emily

I am so thrilled to share that I am not only a member of the Cult of Aphrodite but that I have been accepted into advanced classes of FISH Academy for little girl sissies.

I always knew that I was a sissy. I had a beautiful older sister who loved dressing me pretty and showing me off to her girlfriends. Sis is a very dominant women who adores transforming pretty little boys into very darling and delicate little girls! I could not help but beg her to completely feminize me!

I met sissy annie at the sissy gathering in Orlando, Florida last January. We were paired together. We were together , with our mommies, last week. We love playing dollies together and all sorts of girly activities. I am 8 years old and sissy annie is 4. We are both so proud to be prissy little pansies!

I will be trained as a sissy maid in the advance FISH Academy course work. I love serving and pleasing women!  --- Sissy Denise!

New FISH Academy marketing - Enroll your husband, son or boyfriend!


You look absolutely fantastic!!

Sharing some of the lovely compliments that sissy Annie receives on her flickr page or other places online!

You look absolutely fantastic. My eyes enjoy viewing the most gorgeous and special people in our world. You are the most wonderful and appealing ladies in the world. Your beauty and style are impeccable and immaculate. I truly adore you and other special ladies that are similar. I am extremely blessed to know that amazing women like you exist. Have a wonderful weekend!!!❤️‍fireface blowing a kiss❤️‍fireface blowing a kiss

Admiring your beauty truly inspires me to think of ways to express how much I truly appreciate your images. I know I come off a little over the top, but I really am impressed and interested. I have been intrigued by special girls since I was young and saw some on a tv talk show. Of course they were ostracized, but my curiosity was peaked. I have been attracted to special human beings like you ever since then. The femininity, sensuality, glamour and sexuality that you exude draws me in like the most powerful of magnets. I apologize if I come off too strong, but I am a sincere admirer that is truly greatful for your existence. Your existence and willingness to share your experience definitely makes my life a little bit better!!❤️‍
fireface blowing a kiss

Magical indeed, the environment you have created for your little girl's room! Any “boy” in love with the childhood she was unable to have would undoubtedly dream of living in the same enchantment!

 Everything is so pretty and you especially, proud as such an adorable little girl should be to wear a dress which so well exalts her budding femininity.

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.

Thanks for the compliments!    - Prissy little pansy Annie

Replies to ...Who is prissy little pansy annie?

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The first thing everyone will notice is sissy's pose. So feminine, weak, vulnerable and ultra girly. Then the clasped hands. Clasping hands is a way of saying, especially for a sissy: "I need you to take care of me and keep me safe". In essence, clasping hands can be a subconscious way of self-soothing and seeking comfort. It is also a sign of respect for others. See the Jan 15th blog post. Sissy Annie's submission is nearly total and complete.

OMG! You are right. Sissy's pose is amazing. Her delicate little smile is telling all that she love how pretty, darling, dainty and submissive she is! Sissy's pose is so darling and dainty. Everything about her pose and dress screams "Prissy little pansy", A 3 or 4 year old sissy princess! Such a good girl

I remember that photo shoot! I was told to express my deepest sissy emotions through my body. I displayed how pretty and lovely i felt in that darling, pink Disney Frozen dress!  How happy I am to be a little sissy princess!

Sissy is really better off with a loving mommy and a purpose in life! Definitely is prissy little pansy. Sissy Annie is all of that and much more!! I adore how childish, infantile and vulnerable she is. She is deeply submissive!

Everything you mention above is true! I am a prissy little pansy and I love that so much! About me being childish? Well I am a 5 year old little girl!

The 4-block is so precious! I love the short pink dresses. I remember feeling very vulnerable in dresses like that when I was a little girl! That pic of sissy annie in her pink Frozen dress is so precious! I wonder what she is thinking? So very infantile. Isn't she. Very meek and mild and totally helpless! So utterly submissive , weak-minded and helpless! The most submissive and prissy little pansy I have ever met!

I was thinking how blessed I am to have a loving and caring mommy who knows what I need!

Sissy Princess Annie

Replies to ... The early sissification of sissy annie

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I can't even begin to say how much I love this post. You are an adorable little sissy especially so young. Your mom knew just what to do to you! Look how shy and weak you look in that first photo. Your first photo as a prissy little pansy! 

What a heartwarming story, and I love the early photos of Annie being dressed. I have heard from Annie herself the story of her becoming Sissy Annie, and each time I hear or read them, I learn more about her. and delight in how her mother and sister made her the sissy she is today. 

I have stated many times here before that Sissy Annie is the best of sissy girlfriends and have a genuine sister's love for one another. Love you, Annie: as always Claire.  

I adore those first few pics of her when she was a little child. A boy in frilly dresses! But the following pics show little difference. Still a little princess but just a bit taller. Dainty, darling, cute and so happy to be a girl.

Seeing these pics again reminds me of all the emotions I felt as mommy sissified me. I was scared and shy and felt so vulnerable and deeply humiliated! Wearing dresses and lots of delicate and dainty things . It just seemed so strange, weird and unnatural. But after many days in dresses I started to enjoy the compliments and feeling pretty! I wanted everyone to see what a darling princess I am.

Emily and I share interests in sissies. Mine from a clinical and professional perspective and Emily from a professional and devoted perspectives. Sissy Annie is a somewhat rare example of a little girl sissy who has totally been regressed to a child and lives the lifestyle to the max. These very young photos show how well she has accepted her role and place as a sissy.

I am so grateful to be a little girl sissy and to be cared for as the child I am.

Such a precious little princess! Just observe how she accepted her sissification and regressed to a 4 year old child. I'm certain that all of us who follow this blog LOVE seeing the first sissy photos of sissy annie. What a sweet little princess she is! OMG! This is so precious and revealing. One can see the regression to a sweet and pretty child! The pics of her with the lollipop look more childish than the first ones taken when she was younger!

Thanks for the kind words! I'm so happy to be a sweet little girl!

I am certain that your sister loved making you her little sissy playmate! Love the photo of sissy and her sister in matching frilly dresses! Sissy Annie is so shy! This is my favorite post. In the latter pics she looks like she has been regressed to a 4 year old child. This is epic! She maybe older physically but is the same little girl from way back when. Darling and sweet. The photos are breath taking! All of them! I love the set with her holding her lollipop. She may be physically older but she is the same 4 year old little sissy princess! The early photos of sissy are so cute! She seems a little unsure but she seems to like her pretty dresses! This is my favorite post also! Please share more details and stories about her very young sissifcation!

I know it sounds really strange. But it seems so perfect to me. I'm glad you love the pretty photos of me! I love being a little mommy!

I am "Little Miss Sissy"

I asked mommy why some women and girls have pronouns "Ms, Miss or Mrs"?  What's the difference? Why does everyone call me "Miss"

Mommy said that maybe 30+ years ago all girls and unmarried women were called "Miss". Married women were all called "Mrs". Pronounced "Misses".  Traditionally, the correct term to use is based on the woman’s age and marital status

Today, the first consideration should be the individual’s own preference for how she should be addressed. "Ms" (pronounced "Miz") is used for most women except for children twelve and under.(thanks for the explanation, Mommy!)

There is one exception! Sisises are ALL called "Miss" because we are all basically submissive little children.

Mommy loves to call me "Little Miss Sissy"

Love, sissy princess annie!

Replies to ...I am little miss sissy

Original Post Annie asked quite an interesting question. I explained that women are no longer owned by men. Many women never take a man'...